Missouri Valley

ITA Summer Circuit

The ITA Tour: Summer Circuit by UTR provides a great opportunity to strengthen your Universal Tennis Rating and get some competitive match play during the summer.


The ITA created the Summer Circuit to provide incoming first-year student-athletes and current collegiate players the chance to compete in the summer months. However, due to NCAA compliance purposes, the events are categorized as “open,” which means anyone — including high-level juniors and adults — is eligible to compete in these events as long as he/she is a current ITA player member. The ITA Tennis-Point Summer Circuit powered by Universal Tennis is held over six consecutive weekends, beginning in mid-June and continuing through July.


ITA Player Membership

All participants must purchase a 2023 ITA Player Membership ($35) in order to compete in a Summer Circuit event. Participants can only purchase an ITA membership through the ITA website.


Tournament Registration

Players must register for ITA Summer Circuit events through the ITA Summer Circuit website.



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