Safe Play Renewal Process

The Safe Play Approval process consists of a two-step process that includes online training, accepting the USTA Safe Play Policy and a criminal background screen. To maintain Safe Play Approval registrants must renew all three steps either annually or biennially. Each step has its own unique expiration rules which can be found below. Sixty days prior to expiration, registrants will see an alert banner once they log in to and will be prompted to renew their Safe Play status. Registrants can click on the "Renew" button in the banner or go to and click "Check Status" on the Safe Play Home page to be taken through the renewal process.  


SafeSport Course

The SafeSport training is an annual requirement. The training is a four-part cycle that consists of the US Center for SafeSport’s 90 minute “Core Center for SafeSport Training” and 30-minute “Refresher 1”, “Refresher 2” and “Refresher 3” courses. The cycle will start again with the Core Center for SafeSport Training the calendar year following the completion of Refresher 3. Registrants will be prompted automatically to complete the correct course based on their course history. 


USTA Safe Play Policy
The Safe Play Policy must be renewed every year. The Safe Play Policy is completed in the same step as the SafeSport Course.


NCSI Criminal Background Check 
The USTA has retained the services of an independent third-party, the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI), to conduct criminal background screens for compliance with Safe Play. NCSI provides a website for applicants to submit their information for screening. The NCSI system is designed to ensure adherence with federal rules and regulations regarding background screening. The background screen process must be completed online and registrants will be required to renew their background check every two years.


Contact for any questions on the renewal process.

Visit here for a step-by-step guide on how to become Safe Play Approved.